Are you Running your Business for Success

Are you Running your Business for Success

Is your business set up for success? Can you point your company in the direction of financial success, step on the gas, and then sit back and wait to arrive at your destination?

Not quite. You can't let your business run on autopilot and expect good results. Any business owner knows you need to make numerous adjustments along the way - decisions about pricing, hiring, investments, and so on. So, how do you handle the potential business financial issues facing you?

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College Students and Money

College Students and Money

Most young adults enter college and have no idea of how to handle their money. While they are prepared for almost every other area of college life, the one thing that they have not been prepared for are their finances.  College is one of the first times that students get to test their independence, and their finances are a major part of this independence. Understanding their finances can set them up for future financial success and can help them avoid a future financial mess.

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